Stitched with Love
by Laurie Cervantez
Stacks of neatly folded fabric lay untouched in a corner of my spare bedroom; the remnant of a well-intended project that lost its vigor in prior years.
Each time i entered the room was a reminder of my failure to complete a project that was once near and dear to my heart.
It was in preparation for a move that I made the choice to bid farewell to the once cherished material and move on to more promising projects. As I deliberated the fabric’s fate, I happened across a non-profit organization on the web called:
Project Linus
Named for the beloved blanket-toting Peanuts character, Project Linus is dedicated to creating quilts and afghans for seriously ill, traumatized, and needy children. Each month, hundreds of handmade items are distributed to hospitals, shelters, and social service agencies providing comfort to children in need of a little snuggling.
Being a cancer survivor and knowing the blessing of comfort made this group particularly special to me.
I reached out to Mary Ann, the area coordinator for my region easily found under “Chapters” of the organization’s website. She answered all my questions and explained the organization’s mission and present needs; graciously offering to pick up the fabric at my convenience.
Within days she arrived at my doorstep bearing a warm smile, an appreciative spirit, and a tax-deductible contribution form. Together we filled up the trunk of her car and off she went to deliver the goods to eager volunteers.
At last, the stacks of fabric that once sat untouched gathering dust would soon be pieced together, bundling up precious children and creating an environment of love and security. My heart was happy!
You see, my plan had been to make scarves for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and dealing with hair loss. While my heart had been in the right place, I would soon discover I was not the gifted seamstress my grandmother had been.
Discovering Project Linus gave me a unique opportunity to sow into a wonderful group of individuals who use their artistic talents and sewing mastery to create something beautiful and comforting for children in need.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. – James 1:17 New International Version (NIV)
Thank you to the founder, administrative staff, and volunteers of Project Linus who selflessly put their time, energy, and talent into providing warmth, comfort, and a sense of security to innocent children experiencing difficulties.
To learn more about how you can make a difference through Project Linus by volunteering your time and talent, or by making a donation, log on to
Much Love,